When was RBI created
Who is the Olympic Chief from India.
What is the full form of CBS - core
banking system
What is “C” in CPU. - central
simultaneous buying and selling of
similar commodities in two different markets at the same time. Arbitrage
Cheque/Draft/Pay Order/Banker’s
Cheque is not valid when the date is extend to: 3 months and above from date
of issue
CTS Full Form: Cheque Truncation
RBI was created under: Reserve
Bank of India Act, 1934
President of Indian Olympic
association: N Ramachandran
FIBA is associated with which
sports: Basketball World Cup, also known as the FIBA World Cup
Exchange of cash flow in different currency:
Indian Oil plans to build Rs 30,000
crore refinery at: Mundra, Gujarat
In BRICS, S denotes to which
country: South Africa
Asset which stop performing after 90
days is known as: Non Performing Asset
Highest Pollution State according to
Census 2011: UP (Uttar Pradesh)
TRAI full form: Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India
Banking Ombudsman comes under the
purview of?
FFBA related question
CTS system of cheque
By what amount was the Pension
scheme raised ?
1. Write a letter informing him that you
have tried to to withdraw amount from the ATM but due to technical
problem, the amount could not be withdrawn. But the amount was deducted
from your Savings account.
2. Write an essay on importance of starting work at early morning.
3. Write an essay on ” Technology turning man into slaves.”
4. Write an essay on “Is generation gap a myth?”.
5. Write an essay on “Is presidential form of government suitable for India?
6. Write a letter to the regional manager asking him to change the bank timing as the present timing is not convenient for the customers.