Question 1: In an excel worksheet, the intersection of a row and a column is called ?
1. Column
2. Value
3. Address
4. Cell
![]() |
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 2: Translation and execution of a program line by line at run time is performed by which of the following?
Question 2: Translation and execution of a program line by line at run time is performed by which of the following?
1. Compiler
2. Interpreter
3. Linker
4. Loader
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 3: In EXCEL, a workbook contains ______ worksheets by default.
Question 3: In EXCEL, a workbook contains ______ worksheets by default.
1. One worksheet
2. Two worksheets
3. Three worksheets
4. Four worksheets
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 4: How many number of address lines are required for 1 MB memory
Question 4: How many number of address lines are required for 1 MB memory
1. 11
2. 16
3. 22
4. 24
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 5: A linked list is an example of a _______ data structure
Question 5: A linked list is an example of a _______ data structure
1. Linear
2. Non-Linear
3. Static
4. Dynamic
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 6: Which key is used to switch to the full screen view while browsing the internet ?
Question 6: Which key is used to switch to the full screen view while browsing the internet ?
1. F3
2. F5
3. F11
4. F9
5. F10
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 7: MS-Excel considers any set of characters containing a letter , hyphen, or space as _______
Question 7: MS-Excel considers any set of characters containing a letter , hyphen, or space as _______
1. a formula
2. text
3. a name
4. a title
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 8: Data can be sent over a serial communication link layer using a minimum of _____ wires
Question 8: Data can be sent over a serial communication link layer using a minimum of _____ wires
1. 1
2. 2
3. 4
4. 6
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 9: Which function key is used to display "save as" box ?
Question 9: Which function key is used to display "save as" box ?
1. F5
2. F6
3. F9
4. F12
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 10: A number system with a base of two is referred as?
Question 10: A number system with a base of two is referred as?
1. Octal number system
2. Unary number system
3. Binary number system
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 11: A broad band communication channel can be considered as which of the following?
Question 11: A broad band communication channel can be considered as which of the following?
1. coaxial cable
2. fiber optics cable
3. microwave circuits
4. All of the above
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 12: XSL stands for
Question 12: XSL stands for
1. Extensible Symmetric Language
2. Extensible Stylesheet Language
3. Extendible Symmetric Language
4. Extendible Stylesheet Language
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 13: Which key combination is used to Change text to heading 3
Question 13: Which key combination is used to Change text to heading 3
1. Ctrl + 3
2. Alt + 3
3. Alt + Ctrl + h3
4. Ctrl + Alt + 3
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 14: What is an applet ?
Question 14: What is an applet ?
1. is a compiled program that usually runs on the client
2. collects data from visitors to a Website
3. tracks the number of visitors to a Website
4. is an interpreted program that runs on the client
5. None of these
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 15: Which device used by Internet Service Providers to route incoming DSL connections to the Internet ?
Question 15: Which device used by Internet Service Providers to route incoming DSL connections to the Internet ?
1. Router
3. NIC Card
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 16: A program used to browse the web is called _______.
Question 16: A program used to browse the web is called _______.
1. internet
2. browser
4. website
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 17: The binary equivalent of the octal number 237 is _______
Question 17: The binary equivalent of the octal number 237 is _______
1. 010 011 111
2. 010 111 011
3. 011 101 101
4. 011 000 001
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 18: What was the switching device used in the first generation computers ?
Question 18: What was the switching device used in the first generation computers ?
2. Integrated Circuits
3. Germanium Transistors
4. Vaccuum Tubes
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 19: Which of the following refers to a small, single-site network ?
Question 19: Which of the following refers to a small, single-site network ?
1. DSL
2. RAM
3. USB
4. CPU
5. LAN
Correct Answer: 5.
Question 20: Third normal form is inadequate in situations where the relation
Question 20: Third normal form is inadequate in situations where the relation
1. Has does not multiple candidate keys
2. Has candidate keys that are not composite
3. Has overlapped candidate keys
4. None of the above
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 21: A system has 3 processes sharing 4 resources. If each process needs a maximum of 2 units then
Question 21: A system has 3 processes sharing 4 resources. If each process needs a maximum of 2 units then
1. deadlock may occur
2. deadlock can never occur
3. deadlock has to occur
4. None of these
Correct Answer: 2.
Question 22: The name given to something that the computer will automatically do unless you specify otherwise?
Question 22: The name given to something that the computer will automatically do unless you specify otherwise?
1. a specification
2. a wildcard
3. a default
4. a rule
Correct Answer: 3.
Question 23: Softwares with malicious intent, such as viruses, worms and Trojan horses are known as ______
Question 23: Softwares with malicious intent, such as viruses, worms and Trojan horses are known as ______
1. spyware
2. adware
3. spam
4. malware
Correct Answer: 4.
Question 24: The computer program that are most commonly used are likely to be retrived from -
Question 24: The computer program that are most commonly used are likely to be retrived from -
1. Cache memory
2. RAM
3. Registers
4. CDs
Correct Answer: 1.
Question 25: Which shortcut key is used to delete cells, rows or columns?
Question 25: Which shortcut key is used to delete cells, rows or columns?
1. CTRL+ Minus Sign
2. CTRL+ Plus Sign
3. CTRL+ Star Sign
4. CTRL+ Greater than Sign
Correct Answer: 1.